Appendices (DRAFT) 6.0

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The balance of this guide is a set of appendices that elaborate some of the points covered quickly above.

The appendix material isn’t essential. Continued reading is for the curious.

A link parameters list holds the ingredients for router navigation:

  • the path of the route to the destination component
  • required and optional route parameters that go into the route URL

You can bind the RouterLink directive to such an list like this:

<a [routerLink]="RoutePaths.heroes.toUrl()"

You’ve written a two element list when specifying a route parameter to the navigate method:

Future<NavigationResult> _gotoDetail(int id) =>

These examples cover the need for an app with one level routing. The moment you add a child router, such as the crisis center, you create new link parameters list possibilities.

Recall that you specified a default child route for crisis center so this simple RouterLink is fine.

[routerLinkActive]="'active-route'">Crisis Center</a>

Parse it out:

  • The first item in the list identifies the parent route (CrisisCenter) whose path is /crises/....
  • There are no parameters for this parent route so you’re done with it.
  • The default child route is Crises, which has path /.
  • The resulting path is /crises/.

Take it a step further. Consider the following router link that navigates from the root of the app down to the Dragon Crisis:

<?fixme-code-excerpt “lib/app_component_4.dart (dragon-crisis)”?>

  // FIXME: This is out-of-date
  <a [routerLink]="Routes.crises.toUrl()"
     [routerLinkActive]="'active-route'">Crisis Center</a>
  <a [routerLink]="['CrisisCenter', 'Crisis Center', 'CrisisDetail', {'id': '1'}]">Dragon Crisis</a>
  • The first item in the list identifies the parent route (CrisisCenter) whose path is /crises.
  • There are no parameters for this parent route so we’re done with it.
  • The second item identifies the child route for details about a particular crisis (‘CrisisDetail’) whose path is /:id.
  • The third and final item provides the id of the Dragon Crisis ({'id': '1'}).
  • The resulting path is /crises/1.

In summary, you can write apps with one, two or more levels of routing. The link parameters list affords the flexibility to represent any routing depth and any legal sequence of route names and route parameter values.

Appendix: LocationStrategy and browser URL styles

When the router navigates to a new component view, it updates the browser’s location and history with a URL for that view. This is a strictly local URL. The browser shouldn’t send this URL to the server and should not reload the page.

Modern HTML 5 browsers support history.pushState, a technique that changes a browser’s location and history without triggering a server page request. The router can compose a “natural” URL that is indistinguishable from one that would otherwise require a page load.

Here’s the Crisis Center URL in this “HTML 5 pushState” style:


Older browsers send page requests to the server when the location URL changes … unless the change occurs after a “#” (called the “hash”). Routers can take advantage of this exception by composing in-app route URLs with hashes. Here’s a “hash URL” that routes to the Crisis Center


The router supports both styles with two LocationStrategy providers:

  1. PathLocationStrategy - the default “HTML 5 pushState” style.
  2. HashLocationStrategy - the “hash URL” style.

The routerProviders list sets the LocationStrategy to the PathLocationStrategy. Use routerProvidersHash instead if you want your app to use hash URLs.

Learn about providers and the app-launching process in the Dependency Injection guide

Which strategy is best?

You must choose a strategy and you need to make the right call early in the project. It won’t be easy to change later once the app is in production and there are lots of app URL references in the wild.

Almost all Angular projects should use the default HTML 5 style. It produces URLs that are easier for users to understand. And it preserves the option to do server-side rendering later.

Rendering critical pages on the server is a technique that can greatly improve perceived responsiveness when the app first loads. An app that would otherwise take ten or more seconds to start could be rendered on the server and delivered to the user’s device in less than a second.

This option is only available if app URLs look like normal web URLs without hashes (#) in the middle.

Stick with the default unless you have a compelling reason to resort to hash routes.

HTML 5 URLs and the <base href>

While the router uses the HTML 5 pushState style by default, you must configure that strategy with a base href

The preferred way to configure the strategy is to add a <base href> element tag in the <head> of the index.html.

  // WARNING: DO NOT set the <base href> like this in production!
  // Details:
  (function () {
    var m = document.location.pathname.match(/^(\/[-\w]+)+\/web($|\/)/);
    document.write('<base href="' + (m ? m[0] : '/') + '" />');

Without that tag, the browser may not be able to load resources (images, css, scripts) when “deep linking” into the app. Bad things could happen when someone pastes an app link into the browser’s address bar or clicks such a link in an email link.

Some developers may not be able to add the <base> element, perhaps because they don’t have access to <head> or the index.html.

Those developers may still use HTML 5 URLs by taking two remedial steps:

  1. Provide the router with an appropriate appBaseHref value.
  2. Use root URLs for all web resources: css, images, scripts, and template html files.